Society for the Teaching of Psychology: Division 2 of the American Psychological Association

Preparing the New Psychology Professoriate

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ISBN: 978-1-941804-04-9

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Table of Contents

Preface Bill Buskist, Auburn University
Barney Beins, Ithaca College
Vincent Hevern, Le Moyne College
Part 1. Introduction
1. To Train or Not to Train; That is the Question David J. Wimer and Loreto R. Prieto, The University of Akron
Steven A. Meyers, Roosevelt University
pp. 2-9
2. The Shifting Currents of Scholarship and Teaching in the Ecologies of Academic Careers Neil Lutsky, Carleton College pp. 10-15
Part 2. Models of Teacher Training
3. Preparing Future Psychology Faculty at the University of New Hampshire Victor A. Benassi and Kenneth Fuld, University of New Hampshire pp. 17-23
4. The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Psychology Department New TA Orientation: De-Stress, Model, and Inform Sandra Goss Lucas, University of Illinois pp. 24-30
5. From Apprentice to Professional: Community College Teacher Training Bryan K. Saville, Stephen F. Austin State University pp. 31-36
6. GTA Training at Appalachian State University Paul A. Fox, Appalachian State University pp. 37-41
7. Training and Evaluating Master's-Level Graduate Teaching Assistants Stephen F. Davis and Cathy A. Grover, Emporia State University
Susan R. Burns, Morningside College
pp. 42-48
8. The Evolution of a Teaching Seminar at a Research University Richard A. Griggs, University of Florida pp. 49-53
9. Graduate Student Teacher Training at The University of Georgia Katherine Kipp, Tracy Lambert, and Carrie Rosengart
The University of Georgia
pp. 54-57
10. GTA Training in the Psychology Department at Auburn University John L. Clifton, Jared W. Keeley, and Amber M. Henslee
Auburn University
pp. 58-61
11. Visions and Realities in Preparing College Teachers James H. Korn, Saint Louis University pp. 62-68
Part 3: The Successful Job Applicant: What Academic Departments Seek in New Assistant Professors
12. Qualities and Abilities Our Psychology Department Seeks
in Outstanding Job Candidates

Jerry Rudmann, Irvine Valley Community College
pp. 70-77
13. Characteristics of Successful Community College Academicians
Ann Tway Ewing, Mesa Community College
p. 78-82
14. Desirable Qualities in Psychology Faculty at Tuskegee University
Marcia J. Rossi and Reginald A. Gougis, Tuskegee University
pp. 83-86
15. The Successful Job Applicant at Alabama State University
Tina Vazin, Alabama State University
pp. 87-90
16. Applying to Teach at Religiously-Affiliated Institutions:
Advice for New Psychology Faculty

Vincent W. Hevern, Le Moyne College
pp. 91-94
17. Prospects for the New Professoriate at Brigham Young University
Hal Miller and A. Manja Larcher, Brigham Young University
pp. 95-98
18. Four Desirable Qualities for Teaching at a Small Liberal Arts College Ruth L. Ault, Davidson College pp. 99-103
19. The Office Next Door: Making Yourself an Excellent Faculty Candidate
Kenneth D. Keith, University of San Diego
pp. 104-109
20. Ithaca College: Balancing Teaching and Scholarship
Ann Lynn, Ithaca College
pp. 110-113
21. The Successful Job Applicant:
What the University of Nebraska-Kearny
Seeks in a New Assistant Professor

Richard L. Miller, Robert F. Rycek, and William J.Wozniak
University of Nebraska at Kearney
pp. 114-117
22. Kennesaw State University: Teaching is the Key
Randolph A. Smith, Kennesaw State University
pp. 118-121
23. Hiring a New Assistant Professor at a Large Mid-Level
Public University

D. F. Barone, D. F. Graybill, and T. S. Critchfield
Illinois State University
pp. 122-126
24. The Successful Job Applicant: What Syracuse University Seeks
in New Assistant Professors Larry Lewandowski, Syracuse University
pp. 127-133
Part 4: Making the Transition from Graduate Student to Assistant Professor: Six Exemplars
25. An Office of Your Own: The Virtues and Challenges
of Independence as a New Faculty Member

Amy T. Galloway, Appalachian State University
pp. 135-138
26. Transition Part One: 1999-2004
William Douglas Woody, University of Northern Colorado
pp. 139-143
27. Making the Transition from Graduate Student to Assistant Professor
Amy Hackney, Georgia Southern University
pp. 144-147
28. My First Year as Assistant Professor: Learning to be Free
Brian L. Burke, Fort Lewis College
pp. 148-151
29. It's a Wonderful Life Laura L. Vernon, Auburn University pp. 152-156
30. Moving On: Making the Transition from Graduate Student
to Faculty Member

Tracy E. Zinn, Stephen F. Austin State University
pp. 157-161
Part 5: Selected Bibliography in College and University Teaching
31. Books to Enhance Your Teaching Life
Baron Perlman, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
pp. 163-167


The editors are grateful for the experience of working with such a talented and insightful group of authors -- 46 in total -- who contributed the chapters to this volume. They were enthusiastic responding to our solicitation that they contribute their considerable expertise across the 31 chapters that make up this book. They also collectively adhered to our tight deadlines and requests for corrections and rewrites with a generosity that made this process all the more rewarding.

We must also recognize the work of a dedicated group of consulting editors who formed an editoral board to review, comment, and critique each chapter in the book. We were determined to employ a referee process in the development of this electronic text that would reflect the commitment of the scholarship of teaching in psychology to professional standards of academic authorship and peer review.

The editors are grateful for and wish to acknowledge the the work of the editorial board members listed below who served as independent reviewers of the individual chapters in the text. They offered the authors and the primary editors very helpful comments and critiques which improved this volume tremendously.

Consulting Editors

Virginia Andreoli Mathie, James Madison University
Susan Becker, Mesa State College
Trisha A. Benson, Auburn University
Andrew N. Christopher, Albion College
Ramie Cooney, Creighton University
Dana S. Dunn, Moravian College
Vanessa Fazio, Suffolk University
Abby Heckman, Georgia Institute of Technology
Amber Henslee, Auburn University
Matt Hertenstein, DePauw Univerity
G. William Hill IV, Kennesaw State University
Steve H. Hobbs, Augusta State University
Jessica Irons, Auburn University
Cheri Jacobs, Savannah College of Art and Design
Dave Johnson, John Brown University
Jared Keeley, Auburn University
Mark Krank, University of Montana
Maureen McCarthy, American Psychological Association
Linda M. Noble, Kennesaw State University
David Pittenger, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Erin B. Rasmussen, Idaho State University
Jeanine Ray, Kent State University
Loretta Rieser-Daniel, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Todd A. Smitherman, Auburn University
Michael Spiegler, Providence College
Kenneth M. Steele, Appalachian State University
Mark Ware, Creighton University
Kenneth A.Weaver, Emporia State University
Valerie Whittlesey, Kennesaw State University
Janie H. Wilson, Georgia Southern University
Elizabeth Yost Hammer, Loyola Universtiy


Feedback regarding the editorial content of this book or any of its essays should be directed toward the individual authors or the book's editors, Bill Buskist, Barney Beins, and Vinny Hevern. They (authors and editors) are solely responsible for the substance of the text.

Feedback regarding technical matters of formatting or accessibility of this text via the online environment of the Internet should be directed to the Internet Editor of STP. If you have any complaints or difficulties in accessing these materials, be sure to provide as detailed a description of your problem(s) as you can; you should include information about the browser you are using (e.g., Internet Explorer) and its version number as well as the type of computer you are using and its operating system (e.g., Mac PowerBook 4 running MacOS 10.3.2).

Copyright Policy

Copyright in this web site generally is owned by APA Division 2, Society for the Teaching of Psychology. However, copyright in individual articles and similar items are generally owned by the author(s), except as otherwise noted. You may review the materials in this site for information purposes and may download and print ONE copy of the materials for your own personal use, including use in your classes and/or sharing with individual colleagues. For research and archival purposes, public libraries and libraries at schools, colleges, universities and similar educational institutions may print and store in their research or lending collections multiple copies of this compendium as a whole without seeking further permission of STP (the editors would appreciate receiving a pro forma notice of any such library use). No other permission is granted to you to print, copy, reproduce, or distribute additional copies of these materials. Anyone who wishes to print, copy, reproduce or distribute additional copies must obtain the permission of the copyright owner. Particular care to obtain the copyright owners' permission should be taken by anyone who intends to use this book or its chapters in any commercial enterprise or "for profit" educational purposes.

We note specifically that copyright for the individual essays found in the book, Preparing the New Psychology Professoriate (PNPP), is owned by the author(s) of that chapter rather than by APA Division 2, Society for the Teaching of Psychology (though STP holds copyright for this particular compendium as a whole). Distribution of the copyrighted materials of PNPP at this website is by a non-exclusive license to STP granted by their respective owners. Under provisions of this license, these materials will be available at this site at least until 2009.

Suggested Reference

Following examples in the 5th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for reference materials found online, we suggest that the overall text be referenced in this fashion: 
Buskist, W., Beins, B. C., & Hevern, V. W. (Eds.). (2004). Preparing the new psychology professoriate: Helping graduate students become competent teachers. Syracuse, NY: Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Retrieved [insert date] from the Web site:

Individual articles and chapters may be referenced in this fashion: 
Fox, P. A. (2004). GTA training at Appalachian State University. In W. Buskist, B. C. Beins, & V. W. Hevern (Eds.), Preparing the new psychology professoriate: Helping graduate students become competent teachers (pp. 37-41). Syracuse, NY: Society for the Teaching of Psychology. Retrieved [insert date] from the Web site:
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